Wednesday, 28 September 2011

This 'Navaratri', Pray to 'Shri Durgadevi' to destroy the Evil !

This 'Navaratri', Pray to 'Shri Durgadevi' to destroy the Evil !
'Navaratri' is the festival of worship of the Goddess Shakti. It is a period of nine days, when the Goddess fought the Demon 'Mahishashura' over nine days and nights and destroyed him on the tenth day. Performing of Garba and the 'Dandiya' are forms of worship of the Goddess. The Navaratri festival has been celebrated for thousands of years. Today, like in other Hindu festivals, many malpractices have crept into this festival, also resulting in public nuisance. The public nuisance includes forcible collection of donation, noise pollution, 'Garba' performed to the tune of film songs, obscene dancing in drunken states with obscene gestures, significant rise in the number of unmarried mothers after a few months of Navaratri, all this sounds a death knell for the Hindu religion and civilization. In order to caution the Hindus about this danger, and also to protect and maintain the sanctity of Hindu religion and civilization, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti has undertaken this campaign. Today we are faced with the problems of corruption, terrorism, naxalism etc., along with increasing anti-Hindu incidents wherein Hindu temples, Saints, Scriptures are targeted by the unrighteous (Dharmadrohis) it is high time for Hindus to unite and fight against these evils. With the grace of Shri Durgadevi, devout Hindus will succeed. On the eve of 'Navaratri' let us pray to the Goddess 'Mahishasurmardini' to give us strength to fight against the evil and protect our Hindu Dharma !

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